Office Administrator

Office administration is a set of day-to-day activities
featured MODULES
Related to financial planning, record keeping & billing, personal, physical distribution and logistics, within an organization.

Increase user productivity and flexibility, reduce data loss, and improve data security for your organization.

Building enterprise-scale data solutions, and leverage business intelligence data—both on-premises and in cloud environments.

Building modern mobile and/or web applications and services.

Design, develop, manage cloud solutions to drive business objectives & cloud.

Increase user productivity and flexibility, reduce data loss, and improve data security for your organization.

Microsoft Office is a popular office software suite which provides programs for functions including spreadsheets, word processing, database management, email and desktop publishing

Microsoft Services can help your business embrace the mobility trend for greater employee productivity and better customer experiences.

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contact us

get in touch with US.

14th Floor Metropolitan Building
104 Corner Fox and Rissik Str Johannesburg GP 2000 South Africa


Monday to Friday

9:00 to 9:00 pm


+27 10 590 4713
