Microsoft Office Excel Expert Program
Candidates will be able to automate worksheet , audit worksheets, using a variety of different analysis tools, working effectively with multiple workbooks, exporting Excel data, as well as importing and exporting XML data to and from a workbook.
Microsoft Office Excel Advanced
Module 1: Automating Worksheet Functionality
- TOPIC A: Update Workbook Properties
- TOPIC B: Create and Edit a Macro
- TOPIC C: Apply Conditional Formatting
- TOPIC D: Add Data Validation Criteria
Module 2: Analyzing and Presenting Data
- TOPIC A: Create Sparklines
- TOPIC B: Create Scenarios
- TOPIC C: Perform a What-If Analysis
- TOPIC D: Performa A Statistical Analysis with Analysis ToolPak
- TOPIC E: Create Interactive Data with Power View
Module 3: Exporting Excel Data
- TOPIC A: Export Excel Data
- TOPIC B: Import a Delimited Text File
- TOPIC C: Integrate Excel Data with the Web
- TOPIC D: Create a Web Query
Module 4: Importing and Exporting XML Data
- TOPIC A: Import and Export XML Data
Module 5: Analyzing Data with PivotTables, Slicers and PivotCharts
- TOPIC A: Create a PivotTable
- TOPIC B: Filter Data by Using Slicers
- TOPIC C: Analyze Data with PivotCharts
Module 6: Analyzing Data with Logical and Lookup Functions
- TOPIC A: Use Text Functions
- TOPIC B: Use Logical Functions
- TOPIC C: Use Lookup Functions
- TOPIC D: Use Date Functions
- TOPIC E: Use Financial Functions
- TOPIC F: Use Specialized Functions
Course Days: 1 Day