Microsoft Office Excel Advanced
This course was designed for students desiring to gain the skills necessary to create macros, collaborate with others, audit and analyse worksheet data, incorporate multiple data sources, and import and export data.
Microsoft Office Excel Intermediate
Module 1: Automating Worksheet Functionality
- TOPIC A: Update Workbook Properties
- TOPIC B: Create and Edit a Macro
- TOPIC C: Apply Conditional Formatting
- TOPIC D: Add Data Validation Criteria
Module 2: Analyzing and Presenting Data
- TOPIC A: Create Sparklines
- TOPIC B: Create Scenarios
- TOPIC C: Perform a What-If Analysis
- TOPIC D: Performa A Statistical Analysis with Analysis ToolPak
- TOPIC E: Create Interactive Data with Power View
Module 3: Exporting Excel Data
- TOPIC A: Export Excel Data
- TOPIC B: Import a Delimited Text File
- TOPIC C: Integrate Excel Data with the Web
- TOPIC D: Create a Web Query
Module 4: Importing and Exporting XML Data
- TOPIC A: Import and Export XML Data
Module 5: Analyzing Data with PivotTables, Slicers and PivotCharts
- TOPIC A: Create a PivotTable
- TOPIC B: Filter Data by Using Slicers
- TOPIC C: Analyze Data with PivotCharts
Module 6: Analyzing Data with Logical and Lookup Functions
- TOPIC A: Use Text Functions
- TOPIC B: Use Logical Functions
- TOPIC C: Use Lookup Functions
- TOPIC D: Use Date Functions
- TOPIC E: Use Financial Functions
- TOPIC F: Use Specialized Functions
Course Days: 1 Day