CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) certification is for instructors who want to verify they have attained a standard of excellence in the training field. CTT+ validates the knowledge and use of tools and techniques necessary for successfully teaching in today’s learning environments.
1. Make Your Data Work for You
- Maximize the power of Pivot Table
- Ask the questions
- Get the answers
2. A Quick Tour
- Determine what you need to know
- The source is important
- Ready, Set, Go
- The Pivot Table layout
- What goes where
- Result of our Pivot Table
- Viewing our Data differently
3. Manipulating the Pivot Table
- Rearrange the layout
- What we get
- Add a new field
- Remove a field
- Rename a field
- Format Numbers
- Change the Sort Order & Top 10 Autoshow
- Refresh data
4. Digging Deeper
- Create a Quarterly Group
- Group data manually
- Display subtotals
- Hide / Display Grand Total
- Format a Pivot Table report
- Using a Slicer
- Format a Slicer
5. Beyond the Basics
- Creating a Second Data Field
- Use count to Summarize Data
- Display Numerical Data as a Percentage of the Total
- Create a Custom Calculation
- More functions in Custom Calculation
6. More Pivot Table Calculations
- Using Formulas
- Create a Calculated Field
- Create a Calculated Item
- Use Pivot Table Data outside the Report
- Use Get Pivot Data Function
- Turn off Get Pivot Data Function
7. Optional Topics
- Create a Pivot Chart Report
- Publish Pivot Table Reports to the Web
- Use Multiple Ranges as Source Data
EXAM CODE TK0-201, TK0-202 & TK0-203
Course Days: 5 Days